Monday, January 21, 2008


Tehran Bazar (2005)
Originally uploaded by M.Mortazavi
Even artificial flowers can be good business, and do more than just feed a family, and provide for vacations in Malaysia, China and Germany.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Business is Commerce

Friday Bazar, Tehran (2005)
Originally uploaded by M.Mortazavi
Business is commerce and the one who gains through commerce is dear and near to Allah: Al-Kasib Habibullah.

He buys and sells.

He connects people and people, and products. He talks and bargains and negotiates, through prices and people. He brings what he has, all he has for you to see.

He does not deal in arms.

He deals in saris and scarves ....

... because business is commerce and the one who gains through commerce is dear and near to Allah: Al-Kasib Habibullah.